Grant’s Story

Name: Grant Geisbauer
Age: 26
CL Group: #21
Occupation: Federal Real Estate Specialist
Favorite restaurant: Los Cabos
Hobbies: Hiking, Gaming, Fishing, Watching the Green Bay Packers

What does CL mean to you:
Changing Lanes completely altered the trajectory of my life. It prepared me for the marriage that I had always prayed for!

What was life like before Changing Lanes?
Before Changing Lanes, I was so lost. All I wanted for as long as I could remember was a wife — a beauty to rescue, love, and care for. This developed as early as late elementary school. That desire, while it began innocent enough, was eventually twisted by the enemy.

I was often rejected in my youth, both by peers and love interests. It led me to a place of seeking out female affirmation in whatever form I could find. I felt that if God wasn’t going to provide what I knew I wanted and desired, then I would go out and get what I wanted on my own. This started with pornography in my teen years. It eventually lead into my early young adulthood and turned into dating apps and lustful actions from meetups.

I felt so depressed, lost, and forgotten during this time. I still attended church regularly and prayed often. Many friends, colleagues, and family members thought of me as a Godly man. I was a great deceiver in those days, divided between the man I wanted to be, and the monster I wrestled with most nights. 

Nevertheless, even on the nights when I felt that God and my friends had abandoned me, I had since learned that those friends were praying for me and that God was constantly reaching out to me.

I hit rock bottom in 2019. I had just started Changing Lanes at the recommendation of an invaluable brother in Christ a few months earlier. I found myself in an impossible situation when someone I met from a dating app tried to force herself on me and threatened to take her own life when I didn’t reciprocate her advances.

How did I get here?
What can I do?
I never want to be in this situation again.

These were the thoughts racing through my head. After that, I finally decided that my life was not headed where I wanted it to be. I chose to surrender whatever God was asking of me and started taking CL and its teachings seriously. This meant surrendering all of the dating apps, and all of my social media for a time, and even dating altogether for a season.

During that season of surrender, praying, and fasting, I grew deeper in my relationship with God than I had ever been before, and finally found some lasting freedom. Changing Lanes played a pivotal role in my transformation.

In late 2019, I found my sweet wife at the church we attended previously. A little over a year later, we were proudly married before God, friends, and the best family anyone could ask for! Praise God! I have been leading a group for Changing Lanes since the Fall of 2022, and have found it such a blessing to be able to love and serve men who are walking out of a similar lifestyle that I was in. I have no doubt that this is part of my life’s God-given purpose. While I wouldn’t repeat the same mistakes I made back then, I am grateful for the testimony that God has given me. 

What advice do you have for men considering CL?
If you or someone you know is considering Changing Lanes, I would encourage them to take the leap. It changed the entire direction of my life! I can confidently say that I wouldn’t be married to the woman I am today, and I would likely be stuck in the same foolish sin patterns. The journey isn’t easy, and it doesn’t happen in one moment, but it’s infinitely worth it!

God can use it to change not only your life, but the lives of the ones who love you, and that is worth whatever the cost. 


Jonathan’s Story